notebook planner.

DSC_00301I knew that freshman year in high school required actual organization skills. And that means *planner!* I had fun looking around, looking at other people’s planner styles and varieties, and I found one that fits me.

I used a Moleskine lined notebook that I got in a two-pack at Barnes and Noble. LOVE these. They have enough pages that I can fit the whole school year in if I use half a page for every school day. These notebooks are also nice in quality. There are some pens that write like a dream on these pages, let me know if you’d like to see a post on that. 🙂

There are a bunch of planner “techniques” out there. From the chronodex to bullet journaling to project breakdowns like this one. However,  I didn’t need an hour-by-hour breakdown of my day. I just needed a place for deadlines and assignments. That’s why this technique (kind of like the bullet journaling) is the answer.

DSC_00421At the top, I have the date, and the events/deadlines for the day. A few lines down is the start of my task list. Some days it almost filled the column, and others requires some embellishment to fill that empty space. The last two or three lines are where I record my outfits. I started recording them because I wanted to make the most of all the clothes I have. I have a good amount of clothes that I wear all the time and I wanted to remind myself to “not wear that gray tee five times a week.” And, I get to look through and see all the outfits I’ve ever worn and how my style has changed.

This system has worked out for me great this year. It’s not any hassle to write down my tasks, which means I’m more likely to actually write them down!

Tell me in the comments what type of planner and any tips you have as well. 

Guest: Ruth’s OOTD

picture540 Hi readers of Iris’s blog! My name is Ruth, and I blog over at Tooty Fruity, which I enjoy very much!I met Iris through Bundle, and she asked me to guest post on her blog! I decided on a very simple OOTD for your summer holidays! :))

Shorts: Primark

Crop Top: French Brand

picture535Minimalism for summer. Rock the barefoot festival look this summer, ditch the heavy winter boots!!Pair a nice crop top with a pair of cute summer shorts for a perfect beach look. You could also wear this out to dinner paired with some nice accessories, have fun with this outfit! It’s very versatile, and pretty!!

So, here are my links:

Facebook // Twitter // Bundle // Blog // Bloglovin

And goodbye :))

